Pill Swallowing Made Simple
A NEW innovation to improve resident care at med pass

For samples or a product evaluation at your facility.
Improve Patient Experience When Swallowing Medications
For patients who have trouble swallowing pills … Phazix® Pill Swallowing Gel can help.
Because you care for patients of all ages who have difficulty swallowing medications, we introduce Phazix Pill Swallowing Gel (PSG), a unique, water-based formulation that can help to swallow pills easier and carry them smoothly to the stomach without interruption. Phazix is designed for use when swallowing pills with water isn’t possible. Phazix may help deliver pills to the body the way the manufacturer intended with no interactions or delay in dissolution.
We recognize there are many reasons your patients have trouble swallowing pills – from physical challenges to emotional fears. Phazix may help patients with medical conditions that challenge their ability to swallow pills as you can see in these videos by a fellow SLP.
Difficulty swallowing medications can lead to non-adherence and complications, both in and out of the hospital
Imagine the potential impact on hospital readmissions:
- In a national survey, 14% of adults who reported difficulty swallowing pills said they had delayed taking a dose of their medication and 8% had skipped a dose completely. 1
- Poor medication adherence results in 33% to 69% of medication-related U.S. hospital admissions at an estimated cost of $100 billion annually.2
Introduce patients to Phazix in the hospital or rehab and encourage them to continue using it at home.
Phazix can help you provide an option to your patients to swallow pills easily with comfort and confidence.
- Carnaby-Mann G. and Crary M. Pill swallowing by adults with dysphagia. Archives Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Nov 2005:131(11):970-975.
- Rosen O, Fridman R, Rosen B, et al. Medication adherence as a predictor of 30-day hospital readmissions. Patient Preference and Adherence. April 2017: 11: 801-810.